
Innovation & Creative

There is the event of Sweet Family Party will be held in 3rd March,2013 at Happy Valley Clubhouse Food Plaza.

The objective is:
  1. arouse interest of dessert 
  2. experience sweetness and happiness from dessert 
  3. enhance parent-child relationship between family members 

Activities including:
  • dessert marking 
  • dessert buffet 
  • taking photo 
  • sharing

•1445 – 1500 : Register (at Happy Valley Clubhouse 4/F Food Plaza)
•1500 – 1510 : Welcoming
•1510 – 1710 : Activity 1 - “Make it together!” - 2 dessert marking (Banana Split & Rainbow cake)
•1710 – 1740 : Free time for eating & take photo & sharing
•1740 – 1840 : activity 2- “Be a waffle make-up artist” Competition
•1840 – 1900 : Prize Presentation & Free time for taking photos and eating dessert

In the implementation sessions, the operation, event design and human resources of that event will be applied in the innovation and creativity concept and analyse with relevant events

Innovation and Creativity

Creativity and innovation are often key to the success of a business, particularly during strategic planning or when designing new products and services. Creative thinking and innovation are particularly useful during Strategic Planning (when strategics  and in Product and Service Management (when designing new products and services.)

“Capital isn’t so important in business. Experience isn’t so important. You can get both these things. What is important is ideas. If you have ideas, you have the main asset you need, and there isn’t any limit to what you can do with your business and your life.”

Harvey Firestone

